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Thread: Don't be a shithead in threads about sexual assault.

  1. #91
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    New York City
    234 Post(s)
    This morning that thread is basically ETS: MRA Edition.

  2. #92
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Laughingstock of the World (America)
    104 Post(s)
    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbithole View Post
    I've started avoiding public discussions on these topics for this reason - especially when it involves someone like MJK who people are going to defend even if they had hard evidence.
    I've actually come to embrace openly discussing the topic for this reason. I'm happy to give you my two cents, and if what I get in return is absolute human garbage, then it saves me the hassle of ever having to pretend I respect you or have any interest in befriending you. It's kind of nice to know who the terrible people are without having to spend a long time doing the whole friendship dance first.

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