I was so fucking butthurt this morning! I went to Hastings to rent this before work, but didn't even see it on the shelf yet...So I thought "eh, whatever," and walked out. I got to my car, then I called the store real quick to ask if they even had it available (I was feeling lazy and didn't wanna walk back across the parking lot, heh), and the guy says "Yeah, we only have one left." What the fuck?? So I go back inside, literally after like, 2 minutes, and there are three empty rental slots for The Last of Us sitting right there in their new home. Thanks for taking your sweet time and not having the games available at open, Hastings.

I GUESS I'll play one of the other 50 games I have digitally that I have yet to play, and continue beasting through Bioshock: Infinite's 1999 Mode. :P