Quote Originally Posted by Hula View Post
You do unlock something via the ME3 demo itself (it seems as if that 'something' is only unlocked once you actually pop the full version of the game in next month, though), but there's a demo for the game Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning that, if played prior to ME3's release, will unlock unique armour and a weapon for you. Similarly, I've heard that playing the ME3 demo unlocks something in KoA:R. I have absolutely no intention of finding out what, though, as that game is a PoS.

You only get early access to the multiplayer demo if you have Battlefield 3. For everyone else, it opens up on 17th February.
Ahh, ok. Thanks for the info, Hula, you rock!

Can't wait to try out the multi-player with my brother. Also, just the teaser for the commercial that's airing during The Walking Dead gave me goosebumps. Fucking Reapers.