So I started ME3 a few days ago with my paragon femshep. I chose to romance Thane in ME2 (I always do, I can't resist him <3) and here is the biggest issue that I have with ME3 at the moment: it seems that the whole character development that took place in the end of ME2 with Thane is now almost completely forgotten. I heard that you get more out of the the whole story with him in dlc, but should be in the game. If I knew all this before I would have sticked to one of the main characters when choosing a romance to get a more satisfying story. -.-

All in all it seems to me that a lot of things happen in the game that are out of character and certain choices that you have made are irrelevant. Did they change the writers or what happened?

The gameplay is alright. The only thing that annoys me is this new 'roll feature' in battle, which doesn't always work the way I want it to.
I didn't finish the game yet, but up until now there seem to be less side missions (?) I don't know, I just feel like I'm much less able to explore the galaxy.