I'd like to point out that this thread does have 11 pages worth of discussion. I know that's nothing compared to Add Violence's 59 pages, but at the same time, it's not like there's only 2 or 3 pages. I also think (as was touched on above) that a big part of it is the fact that there has been a lot of score work coming out of these guys lately, too. Plus the new NIN – which will always take precedence when it comes to discussion on a NIN board. I mean, last year, we got Juno, Before the Flood, and Not the Actual Events. This year, we've already got Patriot's Day, Add Violence, The Vietnam War, the Halloween theme, and a song from the Walled Off Hotel – with another new NIN EP expected by year's end (hopefully) – plus the (mini) NIN tour. When there's this much activity and new music coming out (which is a GREAT "problem" to have), there's bound to be less discussion about some of the score work because of the wealth of other projects.