Quote Originally Posted by Shadaloo View Post
Someone call for a tease?
I'm curious if this will be part of the movie at all. If not, I think it would be pretty disappointing if the sequel to Prometheus basically ignores (and/or kills off-screen) the main character from Prometheus. It'll be even worse than how Alien 3 wiped out Hicks and Newt during the opening credits (although I LOVE Fincher's directing of that sequence). Even if it is how the movie kicks off, it still feels strange and disappointing to have her survive all of the events of the first movie, only to reduce her role and importance to a 2-minute prologue or, even worse, a special feature/deleted scene for the DVD/Blu-ray. Regardless of all that, I do think it looks pretty good and I am excited for it. It's just starting to feel like they just wanted to reboot the Alien franchise yet again (albeit a soft reboot this time) because of the mixed/negative reception of Prometheus. Hopefully they at least knew what kind of movie they want it to be this time. I liked Prometheus, but it clearly was pulled in two directions and, as a result, has a bit of an identity crisis as a movie. It was going to be an Alien prequel, but then it wasn't and was instead meant to be a stand-alone movie in the same universe. But then Ridley said it was a prequel again. It originally had more traditional Alien elements, like chest-bursters, but then they (Lindelof?) rewrote it to rely less on those hallmarks of the Alien franchise, but then they threw in the Proto-Xenomorph/Deacon alien at the end. As I said, I really liked Prometheus (despite some flaws, which I feel could be mostly fixed by a good sequel), but I can see why others take issue with several things in it.