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Thread: X-Men: Apocalypse (try not to act like twats)

  1. #61
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    Honestly, the thing that baffled me the most was when Apocalypse launches ALL the freakin' nukes in the world... into outer space?!
    I mean, those could have done what he was trying to get Magneto to do at the end... I laughed out loud when the rockets just kept going into space... I assumed that they were deployed to bring on the... wait for it... to bring on the apocalypse!

    I rolled my eyes a LOT while watching this movie. Another thing that bothered me is that nothing had any real consequence in regards to the overall story of the X-Men. They even rebuild the school in what seems like minutes (like, the plumbing and electricity and everything will work after they flip the debris back together?) Even Magneto is let back into the school after nearly destroying the planet!

    What the Marvel guys got right is that each of the individual movies push forward the overall world of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. If you look at phase one, with Nick Fury leading the SHIELD, it is all gone now, it doesn't feel so stale. I feel like if you skip Apocalypse and come back for the movie that will come next you'd be fine. The status quo will be the same.

    (or not! You won't know how the professor lost his hair!!!!)

    So yes, I think there is room for criticism when it comes to this movie.

    That said, I would never criticise someone for being enthusiastic about a movie, god knows, there are several ones that nobody else on the planet liked just me.

  2. #62
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    Just got back from seeing the film, and it was OK. The action was great as always, but Apocalypse has to be the most cliched, boring villain ever. With all the powers he did have, why couldn't he just do all the destruction himself?? I understand once the body he is in gets weakened, he needs to transfer into another one, but there was no real straight forward scene that he actually had to do that. He looked awful, but much better than I thought he was going to look from in the promo pics we saw earlier. He was not intimidating whatsoever, and his lines were just so roll your eyes bad. He wanted to build a "better" world and remove the weak, so why remove all of the humans weapons and just send them into space?? He could have still built something out of nothing like they kept making it out to be. He picks some of the weakest horseman ever, and they were nothing but empty cases. His motivations were silly, and it just seemed like he could have done all he wanted to accomplish on his own.

    Nightcrawler was awesome as always, and it was cool to see a bit of development from Cyclops. Mystique was ok, but why take away any sort of fight scene from her and the way she kicks the shit out of people in such a slick way. Really dropped the ball on that one, and she doesn't seem believable as this prolific hero at all, even though that was established in DOFP. The acting was great all around for the most part, but the pacing was off, and it was just muddled. The standout characters for me were Nightcrawler, Quicksilver (Of Course) and that Weapon X scene for the win!! Man, was that fun to watch. It was kind of cool for them to tie even the very first X-Men movie into that when Logan meets Rogue and what not. Not a horrible movie, but man.. it gives The Last Stand a run for it's money.

    The end scene was pretty interesting. If Mister Sinister is done right, and the arc with Cyclops' son (Cable) and Deadpool come into play... man, that could be so awesome shit to watch and pick the franchise right back up. Maybe some House of M???

  3. #63
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    This got to be among the top 3 shittiest movie I have ever seen. Disgusting, especially if you think about that with decent writing this could have been an all time classic and not a 4/10. I'm not even an X-men fan and the complete lack of quality still fucked me up.

  4. #64
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    Watched it last night and liked it well enough. To compare it to BvS, or even X3, is just silly.

  5. #65
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    Saw this last week in Madrid. Found a theatre playing it in English with Spanish subs. Didn't have alot of depth to it, but I still enjoyed it immensely. Thought the actions scenes, and really any time a character displayed their powers, were great. Loved Cyclops testing his powers on the tree. Nice to see mohawk punk 80's Storm. Funny how J Law obviously made it very clear that for this one, she wasn't putting the blue makeup on much. Mr. Sinister coming up! That could be awesome or terrible.

    This movie would have benefited immensely from all of us not having just seen Civil War. Shit, i think it being the 3rd big comic book of the season has just burned people out a bit too.

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazekiah View Post
    It's really actually a shame that it still has such strong competition in theaters. I can KIND OF get with some of the complaints but the biggest problem seems to be that comic movie bastards are spoiled fucking brats these days and can't appreciate the awesomeness they've been served anymore unless it's an unmitigated 10/10 experience.
    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    This movie would have benefited immensely from all of us not having just seen Civil War. Shit, i think it being the 3rd big comic book of the season has just burned people out a bit too.
    I like it when we reach agreements.

  7. #67
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    Finally saw this last night and didn't really like it. It seemed REALLY long and I thought it was pretty boring at times. Apocalypse kind of sucked as a character, I'll echo the other comments about how stupid it was that he sent all of the nukes into space. Those would have easily accomplished his goal of "cleansing" the planet. The action scenes were great and I did like the ending, but the movie as a whole just seemed kind of off.

  8. #68
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  9. #69
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    The goal of Apocalypse was to SAVE Earth from humanity's foolishness and to allow mutant life to thrive and form a better world.

    Nuking the entire planet into oblivion thousands of times over so it isn't habitable for ANYONE or ANYTHING would have just killed pretty much EVERYONE.

    Plus, y'know...'80s Cold War paranoia and all that. Sure, it would have "cleansed" the world, but Apocalypse hadn't absorbed any mutant powers to allow for his own survival and even Logan & Jean can't survive without sunlight or food, presumably. Unless turning those two into a Nuclear Winter Adam & Eve was his plan all along? I'll admit that would make for one HELL of a master race, lol.

    Seems unlikely, though.

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazekiah View Post
    The goal of Apocalypse was to SAVE Earth from humanity's foolishness and to allow mutant life to thrive and form a better world.

    Nuking the entire planet into oblivion thousands of times over so it isn't habitable for ANYONE or ANYTHING would have just killed pretty much EVERYONE.
    I don't see how what Magneto did at the end is any different.

  11. #71
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    Widespread destruction and mass chaos resulting from magnetic tampering is a far cry from turning the entire planet into a desolate, radioactive wasteland.

  12. #72
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  13. #73
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    Logan is getting good reviews! Apparently the best film of the X-Men series:

    By the way, I feel like Hugh Jackman looks like Justin Chancellor (Tool's bass player) in this film...
    Last edited by cahernandez; 02-18-2017 at 07:33 PM.

  14. #74
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    Legion is amazing.

  15. #75
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    I watched the pilot but i liked where it was going. The showrunner def. put Legion out there as the character he wanted to use bc hes obscure and Fox would then let him go nuts with it.

  16. #76
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    Just got back from an IMAX screening of 'Logan'. Man, what a whopper of a movie. As a kid, Wolverine was my favorite comic book character, period. I'm so glad they finally gave Hugh Jackman and Wolverine the movie the character deserves. Everything about this movie rocked. The action was incredible, the acting was top notch, and the story was just fucking good.

    I understand comic book movies are always going to be geared towards kids and teenagers, but I would really love to see some of my favorite comic book heroes age with me and work themselves into these types of stories. It'll never ever happen in some cases (MCU), but it's a nice fantasy. It was so nice to see a grounded, character driven comic book movie that didn't need a whole lot of razzle-dazzle FX to be great.

    Jackman, Stewart, and Dafne Keen (x23) absolutely kill their roles.

    I have so much to say about this movie. I must see it again. A few things: I'm approaching my 30th birthday, and I felt like a kid again watching this. I squee'd like a little fanboy and actually shed tears at one point (which has only happened to me a handful of times in my life). This movie really delivered on so many levels and I really can't wait to see it again (and own the blu-ray).

    Don't miss the beginning; you'll be sorry if you do. Also, save yourself some time and leave when the credits roll. There is NO end credits tease.

  17. #77
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    Saw Logan tonight, and like the above poster says, It's fantastic! Very emotional movie. Brutally violent, to the point where the violence is a little too much, lol.
    But, fantastic story. Very well done. Best "Wolverine" movie. 2nd best X-men movie. My vote for #1 still goes to Days Of Future Past, but this is a very close runner up.

  18. #78
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    Yeah Logan was definitely one of the better X films.

    The style, the music, the violence, I enjoyed it all very much as a change of pace to what we are regularly used to with the franchise.

    But it's going to be massively overrated. People say this one was for the fans. It isn't.

    It's for fans of good cinema - this is a good movie with exceptional acting, an emotional and human drama that tries to rely on character and story which for this kind of conclusion was an amazing and well deserved choice. But it was not designed for hardcore fans of the X books. It didn't exactly capture any of the true essence of the characters or the team.

    I don't know how you have the conclusion to Logan's story without Sabretooth, for starters. But moreso, Logan countless times betrays his nature. I understand it was to show his effects from the Xavier incident (which clearly was nothing more than Macguffin), but he knew what would happen to those people in the house and they stayed there anyway. He knew what would happen to those kids, and let them go any way. He left Laura alone in the warehouse knowing what would happen to her without knowing about her powers. I was not expecting Old Man Logan to follow the comic book story line for obvious reasons, but I expect a older Logan to be wiser, a little savvier and yeah sure a little drunken and weary and crustier is absolutely fine, but his whole arc since the beginning of Xavier's tutelage has been about self sacrifice and it was borderline painful to watch him fight that until the end when that is so not who he is. He was reckless, irresponsible, heartless and that's what he was before Xavier, he just doesn't all of sudden get to revert to that just because Charles starts to get old and senile. He's stronger than that. He's better than that.

    And I don't feel like he got true redemption in the end. In the comics he carries on Xavier's legacy - here the kids are left alone in the woods with who knows what to happen.

    On top of that, you pissed away an entire opportunity to have the interesting character of Daken, and have him be vengeful and full of rage for how his father let him down and was never there for him. Instead you have yet another mindless drone villain who speaks not a line (Baraka Pool anyone?).

    A comic book storyline that would have worked here and been for the fans would have been a reveal near the end that Sabretooth was master minding the whole series of events, working for Sinister with his own motives to turn Daken against Wolverine to finally beat him once and for all. But I digress.

    Dafne Keen was stellar. The Logan/Charles banter was gold. You didn't really have much of a story here, but it at least masqueraded well enough as one, and I could live with that.

    In short, I don't get the impression that Mangold is particularly a fan of Wolverine and the X-Men. He likes gritty westerns and used this source material to filter the movie he wanted to make. Which is on one hand ambitious, and the other frustrating. Either way he made a solid movie here worth seeing. I rate it quite highly, and can't wait to watch it again. But yes, I can't help part of me from being sad and disappointed because given so many of the risks he took for this genre, if someone had the ability and freedom to do that (as we've seen it's not always the case) who was actually a legit fan of the source material, it's hard not to imagine what else that could have been.

    Maybe the success of this movie will open it up for someone to be able to do that the next time. And for now that will have to be enough. 8/10

  19. #79
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    Yes this is a fantastic movie with a very disappointing third act, the plot holes and frustration just start sticking up as soon as they decide to stay at those people's house, something they should have easily avoided and chosen not to do. From then the movie continuously betrays its levity and settles on a frustrating and stupid villain. A Mr sinister or a sabertooth would have worked here. If they played their cards right. Furthermore the last chunk could have used a cameo or two from an older x men to ease suspension of disbelief and to cement the totality of it all.

    Other than that the first two acts are literally perfect. The performances are great and I especially like how they characterized professor X. The dynamic between the 3 is honed expertly.

    The cold open is fantastic. I don't think I've ever lit up as much as when I saw THAT face. I squealed like a fanboy
    Last edited by Wretchedest; 03-03-2017 at 02:15 PM.

  20. #80
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    I actually preferred the 3rd act to the second act to be honest. The second act of the film was a little bit of a lull, it wasn't until they got to that house that shit really got edge of your seat exciting. I was holding in a pee for about the last hour of the film because I didn't want to miss anything. I kept looking for a point to break away and go to the washroom, and I came close a few times, but I'm glad I stuck it out. I would have missed some very important scenes at the beginning of the 3rd act having I did.

    The dynamic between the 3 was defiantly amazing. There were parts where you were literally convinced this is a family going on a vacation together, lol. Wolverine and his pop and his daughter all heading on a roadtrip together lol. I loved Professor X in this movie. Him and Logan had some amazing scenes together.
    Last edited by ManBurning; 03-03-2017 at 02:31 PM.

  21. #81
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    Yeah, I'll admit the villain side of the story was rather two-dimensional, and there were some narrative flubs in there. I thought the same thing as the above poster when they stopped at the house with the family..that the characters shouldn't have stopped moving at all (or at least left after dinner.) Don't get me wrong; enjoyable scene and it didn't turn me off too much, but I did think about it.

    The villain thing doesn't bother me much because the film is more about the journey of the three main characters (Logan, Charles, Laura) than it is about them trying to beat a bad guy and save the day. Sabretooth would have been cool, but I'm totally fine with what we got.

    I do agree that a cameo from an older X-Men character would have been a fantastic addition somewhere in the third act, but again, I'm totally okay with what we got.

  22. #82
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    NSFW. Not safe for anything, really. :P

  23. #83
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    Just came back from watching Logan...I haven't felt so moved by a superhero film since The Dark Knight. Second best comic book movie I've seen by far!

  24. #84
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    Saw Logan yesterday and absolutely loved it. The end had me tearing up, a fucking comic book movie made me cry.

  25. #85
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    I never sat through X-Men Origins: Wolverine or The Wolverine, and Logan made me glad about that. Terrific film all around. The comic book movie is finally growing up. IMHO, even Nolan's Batman trilogy feels "safe" by comparison.

  26. #86
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    random thoughts/extremely tiny criticisms for humor purposes really b/c i loved the movie as much as everyone else in this thread.

    - who the fuck has a Sony cellphone? And it shouldn't look like its from now b/c this is supposed to be 2029 right?

    - Gabriella's video editing skills were ON POINT for a nurse.

    - that limousine is a fucking tank. Amazing that it didn't blow a tire or nothin' during that whole ideal

    - we're still doing the thing where immediately pass out from one hit with something heavy in the head aka we need him passed out here to make it easier to further the plot.

    - !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    - I liked the not-so-subtle messaging on the current immigration/border situation going on here.

    - the self-driving freight trucks were cool as hell

    - First X-Men movie to fully show the raw power Xavier possesses (I guess X3 did an ok job too). Those two scenes were amazing, part. the hotel room with Logan f'ing dudes up in stasis haha.

    - the turning of the cross to an X ::feeeeeeellssss::

    - extremely mad at myself for not instantly realizing that was Caliban. Same goes for the Reavers.

    - we have a sequel/spinoff ready to go if Fox chooses with that group of new kids. Love when they finally worked together with their powers.

    - With the "Westchester incident", were they implying that IT was all mutants that got it, or people, or a mix of both? B/c then latter the doctor was implicated in exterminating all the mutants?

  27. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post

    - With the "Westchester incident", were they implying that IT was all mutants that got it, or people, or a mix of both? B/c then latter the doctor was implicated in exterminating all the mutants?
    Found this online regarding the Westchester Incident (via an article on

    Along the way, we eventually find out that Charles was involved in a horrific incident in Westchester County — where his X-Mansion/School for Gifted Youngsters is located. It's alluded to that Charles suffered a seizure and accidentally unleashed a powerful psychic blast that left 600 people severely injured (with some of those probably being his young students) and accidentally killed seven of the remaining X-Men (except for Wolverine).

    Since we are never shown the incident, we are left to imagine how that tragic event played out. However, early drafts of the script actually included flashback sequences of the incident. So why were they left out?

    "It actually hits home a lot harder than the versions that really painted out specifically the flashback," co-screenwriter Michael Green told The Hollywood Reporter. "Of course there are versions we wrote that were never filmed with the actual flashback of what happened, but I’ve found the experience of watching it is far more poignant to just know that it was something really regrettable and it was bad and most likely, friends were lost. Or maybe it was people we didn't know."

  28. #88
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    Logan honestly is the most violent, scary, and emotion-stirring movie I've seen in a long time. Even if you're not a comic book, superhero, or x-men fan, I HIGHLY recommend watching it.

  29. #89
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    I have never been that interested in the X-Men franchise but I am EXTREMELY interested in seeing Logan. I said what the fuck and bought a 2 pack blu-ray that has X-Men Origins: Wolverine and The Wolverine to gear up.

  30. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    I have never been that interested in the X-Men franchise but I am EXTREMELY interested in seeing Logan. I said what the fuck and bought a 2 pack blu-ray that has X-Men Origins: Wolverine and The Wolverine to gear up.
    Shouldn't have wasted your $. They're both complete garbage movies & nothing that occurs in them is needed to understand Logan. Nothing. If anything, watch the X-Men movies, not the Wolverine ones.

    But def. see Logan anyway.

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