Ugh, I fucked up my knees by actually running (on the balls of my feet!) a 5k, and then a week later a mile and half on a tread mill, really pushing myself. A week of pain, I go to the doctor and he tells me "When you're older, you need to properly condition yourself. You need your body's permission, and your body is telling you no!" Heh, he was a cool dude, but now I feel shitty for being old at 23! So now I'm back at the gym doing just walking and biking, with prescription for naproxene and muscle relaxers that I take at night because that's when my knees hurt the most, apparently it's the muscles tightening up and spasming a bit. I just love how well I sleep with it! I wish I slept that well on my own. Anyways, I plan on improving my running and my biking endurance.

Gross, I never thought I'd be capable of saying such words. I was NEVER into this type of exercise, but damn, it feels good to be in shape! I was in shape over last summer because I biked ALL the damn time in Boston but since I left, I've gained 30 fucking pounds- but I didn't loose all my muscle since I've stayed active in one shape or another. I definitely feel my weight though and that's obnoxious.