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Thread: The Marathon Thread - been bitten by the running bug or just crazy?

  1. #61
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    ^ I went to a legit footwear place where they put me on a treadmill with a camera aimed at my feet and slowed it down to show me what was wrong with my technique. (Here I was, thinking running was just as easy as putting one foot in front of the other - nope, there's a proper technique.) Then I got some shoes that would help correct my pronate-y badness. Don't know if this will help you, but proper footwear is always a good place to start.

    Also, maybe I should try a beer after my next long-distance run... I'll replenish carbs and reward myself in one stroke.

  2. #62
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    Dra, welcome! Yes as mentioned above there is some technique to it but it's different for everyone, some feel good heel striking, others at mid or forefoot, doesn't matter as long as it's comfy..and not all shoes are built the same. First, get a shoe person to take a look at your gait. Most good running shoe places have that treadmill/camera set up to do the analysis. That's a huge first step to running comfortably in the right shoe. Second, if you're new to running, don't do A LOT of running yet. Start with little jogs interspersed with walks. Otherwise you'll just burn out and hate it. Take it slow. Get comfortable, take it easy and yeah you'll be liking this enough to put the oars down.

    Best to you.

  3. #63
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    Sorry Double post, edit not kicking in:

    Carpe: Yes one beer isn't too bad post run. Actually in the marathon I'm running in two weeks, when I did it last year there are always these dudes at mile 24 that hand out dixie cups of Mller Light that tasted GREAT last year. For me, my favorite post run drink is chocolate milk. It feels like food of the gods after.

  4. #64
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    Marathon in 3 days and seeing this has got me totally fired up. Her face says it all in these clips. I'll be remembering that face around mile 20.

  5. #65
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    Do it big, sentient!! Let us know how it went!

    I'm gearing up for training for my half-marathon, which will be in August. I'd like to do a 10k and then an 8-mile between now and then to gauge my progress. I am also alternating running days with push-up and ab exercise days, because I want to have Ryan Gosling abs by August. Then on the day of my half-marathon, as I'm rounding the corner of mile 13, I will tear my shirt off in triumph and not be ashamed.

  6. #66
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    Ran a 10k yesterday in Brevard, NC - time of 54:06. It was full of big hills and two or three big inclines. My step-dad and I were pacing off each other during the whole race. I came in 4th in my age group.

  7. #67
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    4:25:55 today. Managed to squeak a personal record just shy of a minute but it was a negative split. I really had to work to get that in the last couple of miles though. The wall hit but hit later (around mile 24) otherwise, I felt amazing out there today. Feels good to sit on the couch with a beer.

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by sentient02970 View Post
    4:25:55 today. Managed to squeak a personal record just shy of a minute but it was a negative split. I really had to work to get that in the last couple of miles though. The wall hit but hit later (around mile 24) otherwise, I felt amazing out there today. Feels good to sit on the couch with a beer.
    Excellent job! You deserve more than one beer!

  9. #69
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    Amazing, sentient! Way to go man.

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by REPLICA View Post
    Ran a 10k yesterday in Brevard, NC - time of 54:06. It was full of big hills and two or three big inclines. My step-dad and I were pacing off each other during the whole race. I came in 4th in my age group.
    Congrats! Hills and all should tell you you are strong in this distance, maybe even more. The three ahead of you were lucky it was only 10k. Nicely done.

  11. #71
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    I should be doing some good long runs right now but I am still stuck in my 5k/10k mood - MCM is in October, I still have a little time left to train up and I know I'm going to be trying a new run/walk method on race day. I figure if I run 4 or 5 miles and take a half mile or a quarter mile break, it should help me stay energized.

  12. #72
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    I've been looking for a viable alternative ever since I found out that my city won't be hosting a full marathon this year. I think I'll sign up for this one:

    I would prefer something at the end of this year, but it's only 20+ miles from where I live, so I think it will be worth the wait.

  13. #73
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    I found out about a month ago that Asheville, NC will be hosting two marathons starting next year. I think they will be the Asheville Citizen Times Marathon and the Asheville Classic Marathon. The Classic will take place at the Biltmore Estate, this is the one I am aiming for, for next year.

  14. #74
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    MCM is a few months away and I have yet to start on distance training. I have recently been doing a lot of core workouts, pull ups and cycle sessions with a short run after. I think I'll be ready for that race pretty soon though.

    Last year the weather was against us... It was snowing the day before. Hopefully this time around it'll be a little better.

  15. #75
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    Okay guys, it's the 4th of July... I hope I'm not the only one who participated in a 5k today...

    2nd place in the 5k with a time of 26:05 - first mile was 7:25 - average mile 8:25. It was a hot evening!

  16. #76
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    So this was supposed to be my second week of running with my New Balance shoes. After two hundred meters while running up a hill trying to avoid a mom and her pram I stretched my calf muscle mysteriously. No running for two weeks now it seems.

  17. #77
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    Sorry about the injury! The lesson there is likely that 200 meters of running is not nearly enough warm up to doing an "escape sprint" uphill. Give your legs a chance to loosen some more next time. Best of luck on the recovery hope you're back out soon.

  18. #78
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    Really hoping to run the Steamtown Marathon this year on Oct 7 (they let me defer from last year), and I'm running the Parks Half on Sept 9. So far so good with the training, definitely not running more than 18 miles as the longest training run. Feel like it's been ages since I've run a race.

    sorry about the injury, hobochic! foamrolling should help. what kind of NB shoes are those? i used to run long distances in racing flats and it seemed fine for a while, but i switched to regular neutral shoes this year (Mizuno Wave Rider 15) just to be on the safe side.

  19. #79
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    I've heard Steamtown is "mostly downhill" and is fast. Best of luck in that one! I had been meaning to try it for some time but never remember to register haha

  20. #80
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    Thanks guys, I've been resting all day and hope to be able to walk to work tomorrow. The NB shoes I got are for trail running "Minimus 10 trail", for regular running I'm using a pair of Saucony.

  21. #81
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    Sooo.... Back in August I found out that I had exams right before my marathon - Marine Corps Marathon. After a few weeks of deciding what to do, I decided that the best option was to defer my entry until next year. At first I was disappointed, this was supposed to be my qualifying marathon for the JFK 50 - I even got my 14 mile down to 2:16.

    I have chosen Knoxville, TN to be my next marathon in April. Hopefully everything will go smooth with that one.

  22. #82
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    Got to hang out with my running group this morning for a bring food to share breakfast. I'm not quite recovered from surgery so did not join them for the run but it was great to see familiar faces and talk running again. I'm hoping I can get back on board with it this year. No marathons in the short term however.

  23. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellospaceboy View Post
    I've been looking for a viable alternative ever since I found out that my city won't be hosting a full marathon this year. I think I'll sign up for this one:
    So, that didn't happen. My Mom flew in from Hungary for 2 months, and I just couldn't spend the time I needed to train while she was here so I decided to wait it out.

    I set my sight on this one: http://runrocknroll.competitor.com/savannah, and I'm quite happy with my decision! I much rather run the marathon in the fall: I HATE training in the winter, it gets dark by 5pm and my neighborhood is a bit too crappy to run around at night.

    But since it's almost a full year away I might throw in a half marathon somewhere, just to take the edge off.

  24. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellospaceboy View Post
    So, that didn't happen. My Mom flew in from Hungary for 2 months, and I just couldn't spend the time I needed to train while she was here so I decided to wait it out.

    I set my sight on this one: http://runrocknroll.competitor.com/savannah, and I'm quite happy with my decision! I much rather run the marathon in the fall: I HATE training in the winter, it gets dark by 5pm and my neighborhood is a bit too crappy to run around at night.

    But since it's almost a full year away I might throw in a half marathon somewhere, just to take the edge off.
    I hear different things about the RocknRoll series (Las Vegas was pretty bad; I think it was the 2012 running) but Savannah is a great place. Plus if you run more than one event on the series within a calendar year, I think you get a special medal.

    I've started back on my training about a week or two ago for the Knoxville Marathon. I've been running in temps as low as 21 degrees and just today a friend of mine asked if I wanted to do a double marathon weekend. It would be the Charlottesville Marathon and Knoxville Marathon. I had to turn that down, I MIGHT consider it in the fall. Right now I have an 8 mile run scheduled for Saturday morning, so we'll see how that goes.

  25. #85
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    oh, no post here since the Boston tragedy. I hope you guys are all safe, not sure if anyone from here was running it (or knows someone who did). It's a shame what happened.
    Boston was (and still is, I assume) the crown jewel of marathons, and my dream is to one day qualify for it, even if I couldn't attend the actual event...

    I also have a practical question: what kinda nutritional supplements do you use DURING your marathon run? The one time I ran I didn't prepare with anything (I was quite naive) and hit "the wall" hard at the 23 mile mark. I'd prefer NOT to do that again.

    Any suggestions? (and silly follow up question: whatever you use, is it vegan?)

  26. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellospaceboy View Post
    oh, no post here since the Boston tragedy. I hope you guys are all safe, not sure if anyone from here was running it (or knows someone who did). It's a shame what happened.
    Boston was (and still is, I assume) the crown jewel of marathons, and my dream is to one day qualify for it, even if I couldn't attend the actual event...

    I also have a practical question: what kinda nutritional supplements do you use DURING your marathon run? The one time I ran I didn't prepare with anything (I was quite naive) and hit "the wall" hard at the 23 mile mark. I'd prefer NOT to do that again.

    Any suggestions? (and silly follow up question: whatever you use, is it vegan?)
    I knew three people who ran in Boston last week, I think the third person finished about 15 minutes prior to the bombings. It hurt me because the marathon is one of my most loved things on this earth and to see someone hurt people who were there (running and spectating) made me a little depressed and sad not so much as anger until we knew who was labeled as a suspect. I hope to qualify for it one day as well, I have to drop some near 20 pounds to get help get my speed faster.

    To answer your questions, I use GU gels or Clif shots/blocks during the marathon. Usually I will try to get a banana in there around the 16th mile as well as an orange slice. I thought about carrying salt packets on me since I tend to lose quite a bit of salt while doing those long distances. I don't know if the GU or Clif stuff is vegan or not, you might have to check online.

    Just as an update, I did do my 5th marathon on April 7th - Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon. It was my third time completing it with a 5:04:24 and last year I had a PR in it with a 5:02:59. I am really antsy to break 5 hours there and 5 hours overall. I was on point to finish with a 4:25 but I cramped up at the 16 mile since I had been pushing pretty hard the first half. I am going to go down to Atlanta this October to run their marathon, I am going to have to concentrate on hills more than I did for Knoxville since I have heard that the Atlanta course is more rolling hills.

  27. #87
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    I am not sure I'll ever qualify for Boston but I'm OK with that.

    I like to run with GU chews (kind of like gummi bears) and sometime the Powerade chews with the liquid in the center. They are tasty and you find kind of suck on them when you run. I also carry some pretzel sticks to balance the hydration.

    REPLICA: My way of breaking the 5 hour mark was doing the negative split strategy. My last two were 4:39 and 4:27. For those I ran the first half to 16 miles like a 5 or 5:30 race. So I had to mentally force myself to hang back. Then with food and good hydration I run the last 10 like a demon. Its a great feeling to pass folks at like mile 20 andthat mentally propels you on.

  28. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by sentient02970 View Post
    REPLICA: My way of breaking the 5 hour mark was doing the negative split strategy. My last two were 4:39 and 4:27. For those I ran the first half to 16 miles like a 5 or 5:30 race. So I had to mentally force myself to hang back. Then with food and good hydration I run the last 10 like a demon. Its a great feeling to pass folks at like mile 20 andthat mentally propels you on.
    I've never thought of doing that, that's pretty smart. I might have to try that with some of my longer training runs during the summer. I just want to come in below 5 eventually.

  29. #89
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    With training I'm more than sure you'll get under 5. Speed takes time and training. As for the negative split strategy, it's not for everyone. The challenges tend to be allowing a whole boatload of people to pass you in the first half and not feeling like you have to "keep up". So the first half I like to think of as "my race". It's really the chance to ENJOY the marathon as an event and not a struggle. It's in the latter half or quarter, where you're digging deep and spending the energy where you have to find something to keep you rolling. For me, in the last 6 miles on my last PR it was thinking about some of Paula Radcliffe's amazing finishes where you can see she digs deep mentally to do it. I recall getting some tunnel vision in my last marathon for the final 2 miles, just chugging it out to get that PR. But man, it felt great to get that kind of finish.

    Happy running!

  30. #90
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    While I only ran once, the one thing I was very happy with was my pace, I decided to try to stick to my natural speed (that tends to be around 10 min./mile) and just stick with it. That's the speed I enjoy running the most, it comes "easy" and I did all my training on this, all the build-up to the marathon. I actually managed to keep it very well: my time was 4:31, an average 10:22 min per mile. Pretty dead on!

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