Had a blast working for Kaiju Big Battel for the 2nd time..This time I actually made my city of Pittsburgh debut and debuted in an upscale theater where i've seen several Plays, and comedians..VERY mind blowing..Had a blast in my match, the regular kaiju workers (ref, sound guy, etc) all said I KILLED it as this character. However, had a bit of a timing issue, and blew my back out DOING an x-factor..very upset about that.. But after that spot, I knew we were taking it home.

Sunday, I woke up and couldn't move, messaged the booker and told him I couldn't work and pitched him an angle how to take me out of the match, but come in, take the hot tag, bump the baddies twice, and eat the pin..we did that and I'm glad cause i'm feeling a lot better today.. I KNOW if I would have wrestled, I would have definitely been worse for wear.