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Thread: Metal Gear Solid

  1. #1
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    Metal Gear Solid

    What do you guys think about the new HD collection? The art book that came with the ultimate edition is stellar...And with finals and the end of the semester going on, I haven't had time to sit down and play the games. But after finals, I'll be playing the heeeeeell out of this.

  2. #2
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    I'm bummed the HD collection doesn't include any version of the original MGS.

  3. #3
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    I am too. I really wish they would have at least included it with the ultimate edition, as they did with some other super mega special Japanese edition (well, it was a downlaod voucher for MGS1, but same thing).

  4. #4
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    If only they would port the twin snakes version... Man, that would be amazing.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    If only they would port the twin snakes version... Man, that would be amazing.
    Right? I don't think it would have taken tooo much work, but I'm sure there was some kind of legal thing with it bring a Nintendo game, or they would have needed to go through and reconfigure all the controls and all that jazz...I never got to play Twin Snakes, but I would've liked to. At least those of us that never had a PSP can play Peace Walker.

    I saw someone call this the "Metal Gear Big Boss HD collection" since we see more of him than Snake. Fitting. :P

  6. #6
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    Haha, I didn't think of that. Weird to see Peace Walker included. I still have my Twin Snakes. Just a hassle to find and hook up the GameCube...

  7. #7
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    nicer graphics aside, Twin Snakes isn't *that* great. It's worth a play for sure, but I found playing the original still feels better. Then again the gamecube controller really didn't fit the game at all.

    The HD collection isn't out till next year over here, I'll be getting it for sure though, can't wait to give Peace Walker a proper go, I just couldn't get into it on psp.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alrea View Post
    I am too. I really wish they would have at least included it with the ultimate edition, as they did with some other super mega special Japanese edition (well, it was a downlaod voucher for MGS1, but same thing).
    Well the JP release didn't include Peace Walker, so at least we have that.

  9. #9
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    Peace Walker on the PS3 is a dream come true.

  10. #10
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    Well, if that's the case, then it seems like a pretty fair trade. :P I haven't heard any really bad news about Peace Walker, and I loved the atmosphere of MGS3, so I think I'll be in for a surprise. I can always just get MGS1 on the PSN for 10 bucks.

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    I just came 2 seconds from shitting my pants after watching the new trailer for Rising. HE FUCKING FIGHTS A RAY WITH HIS KATANA?? (Someone should post a link here, since my iPod isn't letting me).

  12. #12
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    Gameplay looks fine. But they totally fucked up the canon. It was supposed to take place between 2 and 4. Now it's after all of that. How does that make any sense? And Revengeance? Really? A little disappointed. Kojima should've finished this before tossing it over to Platinum. I'm officially skeptical now.

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    The Revengeance subtitle is a bit corny...waay corny. But Kojima's always had that little twist to everything he does when it comes to Metal Gear, in one way or another. Normally, I'd be skeptical. But if Kojima's involved, I think it's definitely worth a chance.

    And as great as the action looks, I'm really hoping that they give us a peek at how the sneaking goes, too. I'd hate for this game to turn into a hack and slasher.At least we know they still have a lot of work to do on it, so hopefully that means they'll take the time to perfect it before they release it.

  14. #14
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    Not sure how involved Kojima's going to be now. And I'm not expecting much sneaking.

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    Which is a major bummer. :/ But you never know. I have yet to be let down my a Metal Gear game, so I'm hoping this'll shape itself up.

    But I'm not going to hide the fact that I'm a Metal Gear fanboy and will probably buy whatever installments come out that I can actually play. :P

  16. #16
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    watching the trailer for rising I was reminded of the 'reworked' cutscenes from Twin Snakes. Not a good thing...

  17. #17
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    Dated? Because Twin Snakes was amazing...

  18. #18
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    not dated, just a little.. 'off the wall' even for MGS. Like Snake doging bullets and slapping his head is exaggerated freak outs. None of which happened in the original or in gameplay.. I know they were re-done by the guy who directed Verses, which I liked, but it didn't really fit for me.

    The game itself was fine, it was MGS1 with MGS2's graphics, but the new cutscenes felt at odds with everything else. Thats how I feel about the Rising trailer..
    Last edited by liquidcalm; 12-11-2011 at 06:24 PM.

  19. #19
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    As much as I hate to say it about an Metal Gear game, I think this article pretty much nails it. I'll still end up buying it, just because this is one franchise I'll bend over backwards for, and the action looks really sweet, but there's a good chance it won't hold up to what makes a Metal Gear game.

    IGN: Revengeance Will Ruin Metal Gear Solid

  20. #20
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    I got the HD Collection last weekend. I have always loved this series, one of my top for a favorite game series. I've played and beat every one ever released minus Peace Walker and MGS4. Glad I can do that now for Peace Walker.

    Psycho Mantis, Vamp and The Fury are my favorite bosses.

  21. #21
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    How's the remastering look on these? MGS3 looked amazing to begin with. Could probably fool people into thinking it was a PS3 game. I'd imagine just a little cleanup on that one. But what about MGS2? Because that's actually the one I'm curious about. Do they translate well in the current-gen. Amazing ggames regardless though. I have Peace Walker on PSP, and it was iffy... Good moments, then some not so good moments. Certainly different.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alrea View Post
    As much as I hate to say it about an Metal Gear game, I think this article pretty much nails it. I'll still end up buying it, just because this is one franchise I'll bend over backwards for, and the action looks really sweet, but there's a good chance it won't hold up to what makes a Metal Gear game.

    IGN: Revengeance Will Ruin Metal Gear Solid
    What it says in
    the article doesn't bother me, I didn't mind Raiden in MGS2, love Snake but don't 'relate' to him particularly. It's always been the gameplay that I love about this franchise, the sneaking around etc, I also tend to skip most of the cinematic scenes once I've seen them once, if I want to watch a film, I'll just watch a film, with a game I want to be in control

    The special missions in MGS2 substance were genius as was the ape extra in MGS3
    Last edited by WorzelG; 02-06-2012 at 09:07 AM.

  23. #23
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    Definitely! The bonus stuff is really great. And I really don't mind Raiden at all. I just don't think that there's any way that Rising will be able to pull off the drama (no matter how over the top it was) that the Solid games have. But Kojima knows this, and I think he's even said that this game's mainly just meant to be a fun, different, action-based addition to the franchise. That's where I think the article had it right that it's way off the reservation even in the world of Metal Gear, but I don't think it's necessarily a sign of the end of the entire franchise or anything. Just a little spur off into different territory until (if ever) we get another "serious" game.

    But if Rising brings in new fans, they're probably going to get some serious shock when they go back to play any of the previous games and realize that you can only even equip a sword in one of them, and in the latter portion of the game. :P (I STILL love using that thing ever chance I get.)

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorzelG View Post
    What it says in
    the article doesn't bother me, I didn't mind Raiden in MGS2, love Snake but don't 'relate' to him particularly. It's always been the gameplay that I love about this franchise, the sneaking around etc, I also tend to skip most of the cinematic scenes once I've seen them once, if I want to watch a film, I'll just watch a film, with a game I want to be in control

    The special missions in MGS2 substance were genius as was the ape extra in MGS3
    Doesn't bother me either and sure as hell won't bother the game's Japanese audience of whom I'm sure Konami are far more interested in pleasing here. It seems to me there is a large proportion of western reviewers who have completely forgotten the roots of these games, they've even forgotten that these games weren't Tom Clancy games, they were absurdities - yes they were set on a realistic stage of battle but that was about it and although MGS was a nod to western action movies it was by and large a very Eastern affair - this new game will be no exception and it's going to be done in the style of game I particularly enjoy and have been thirsting for since Bayonetta. It's going to be awesome. Well, hopefully.

    The other element of that article which I found ridiculous is that Raiden kicking Metal Gear ass is going to make an iconic character like Snake look positively frail in comparison - this is just because they don't like Raiden as a character which is really petty. If this game was starring a character like Gray Fox they'd be all over it, and that's the level of critiquing we're looking at here.

  25. #25
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    So, uhhh...4.30.2012, something's going on.

    Featuring a video using what sounds like an altered version of a Ghosts track (though I don't know what number it is).

  26. #26
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    I have my friend's copy of MGS4, I should play and beat that shit finally eh?

  27. #27
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    Maybe. :P Actually, I've got no idea exactly how much Rising will have to do with MGS4. First it was supposed to take place before MGS4, and now I guess it takes place after? Or maybe I have that backwards...

    But yeah! I loved MGS4. It gets a lotta crap for basically being a huge movie with a few interactive moments in between cutscenes, but I still love it. Make sure you've got plenty of spare time to play it, if you want to watch all the cutscenes and all that stuff.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alrea View Post
    Maybe. :P Actually, I've got no idea exactly how much Rising will have to do with MGS4. First it was supposed to take place before MGS4, and now I guess it takes place after? Or maybe I have that backwards...

    But yeah! I loved MGS4. It gets a lotta crap for basically being a huge movie with a few interactive moments in between cutscenes, but I still love it. Make sure you've got plenty of spare time to play it, if you want to watch all the cutscenes and all that stuff.
    I plan to. I have done so with every MGS game I've ever played. I wish they'd path the trophies like they mentioned before but nope, never.

    Rising takes place after MGS4 I just read. It's a separate entity but involved with the universe, it looks like a fun hack and slash action game with a familiar character. I'll buy it for sure, nice change of pace and I'm sure it'll be cool.

  29. #29
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    Didn't seem like it had anything to do with the series. Makes no sense if it takes place after MGS4, which is why I figure it non-canon. But hopefully they scrap that stupid Revengeance title.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by liquidcalm View Post
    nicer graphics aside, Twin Snakes isn't *that* great. It's worth a play for sure, but I found playing the original still feels better. Then again the gamecube controller really didn't fit the game at all.

    The HD collection isn't out till next year over here, I'll be getting it for sure though, can't wait to give Peace Walker a proper go, I just couldn't get into it on psp.

    I absolutely LOVE MGS1. It was the first game I ever beat. I played the hell out of the demo of it on the PS1 Underground disk when I first got my PS1. My mom got sick and tired of watching me replay the dock and helipad level that she went out to like 3 different Wal-Marts around Kansas City and bought me the game.
    I have a major attachment and love for the original MGS1. It made me happy, made me sad and mad (RIP Gray Fox, my favorite character in all of MGS series) the story just sucked me in. I still play it at least 3 times a year.

    But Twin Snakes in my opinion is a disgrace. I mean, MGS is obviously over the top but they took it a bit too far for my taste. Doing a back flip and jumping on his PSG-1 then doing a full 360 degree turn and shoots Sniper Wolf? mmmmm nope.
    The voice acting is just god awful in Twin Snakes. If you can, look for a video of Twin Snakes when you find out
    Spoiler: that Master Miller is actually Liquid
    Campbell's voice is just so...uninteresting for lack of better words. In the original MGS1, he sounds shocked and freaked out, in Twin Snakes, it's just like he doesn't give a damn.

    A major flaw in Twin Snakes is it's gameplay. First person shooting mode should not be used in that game. The environments in MGS1 are too...simple to say the least for first person shooting. It makes the game WAY too easy. It works great in MGS2 (my least favorite MGS) and MGS3 (my second favorite MGS game) and it was alright in MGS4, but it just doesn't work out for MGS1 levels in my opinion.

    I hate Twin Snakes. I honestly hate it. Kojima didn't even have anything to do with Twin Snakes either. That may be part of the reason that it sucked so much.

    As for the HD collection. I went to the midnight release (threw the Gamestop employee off when he handed me a copy of MW3 and I told him no. He just looked at me with this wondering face and I said "MGS: HD")
    The HD collection is great. Right when I popped it in, I went straight to MGS3 and it blew me away. After playing it a month before on my PS2 (Subsistence) on Euro Extreme and it having decent graphics (good for PS2) but the environment having this blurr effect to it kind of threw me off, but once I landed in the jungle in MGS3 on the HD Collection, it just blew me away. I could see everything crystal clear. The graphics just raised the bar for me on that game. I loved it.

    I didn't play much of MGS2 because I honestly don't like MGS2. It's not because of Raiden or anything. I just don't like it. It doesn't feel right to me. I can't explain it. The lack of unique bosses sucked (Fat Man? Really?) and the games all around feel of it I just don't like.

    I didn't get far in Peace Walker. I picked up Saints Row: The Third a week after the MGS HD collection came out and I ended up getting side tracked with that but since I played SR3 I haven't really been in a gaming mood. Not sure what's going on besides my personal problems, but I'm not feeling the 'gaming scene' so much except for me playing MGS1 and MGS1: VR Missions.

    Speaking of which. Has anyone even played the MGS1 VR Missions (the actual full 300 mission game, not the 10 or 20 sampler on the MGS1 disk)? It's pretty fun. There are weapon specific missions, sneaking missions, mystery missions and even 3 missions were you play as Gray Fox. The Gray Fox missions are by far the best thing about that game. You only get 3 missions which suck, but those 3 missions are awesome. The first mission is you got to slice 15 wooden stands. The second mission is kill 30 genome soldiers and the 3rd mission is to kill Solid Snake (he's dressed up like a genome soldier). It's a fun game to waste time on if you feel like playing a game. Also if you 100% complete the game, you get concept art for Metal Gear Ray.

    As for the art book, I wanted it, but didn't have the money for it at the time. I love Yoji Shinkawas art work. He's a influence on my artwork that I do. His character designs and his shading is just amazing. I love it and thanks to him, we have Metal Gear Rex which is the best Metal Gear (obviously lol. But then again, I'm an MGS1 fanboy) and I think he also did the art design for Metal Gear Ray too.

    Has anyone ever completed Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2? I beat Metal Gear on my old phone when T-Mobile had it for sale. Took me about a month to beat it but I did it. I'm only about 5 minutes into Metal Gear 2 and so far, it's already better than MG1.

    Long post is long. So have a picture
    Last edited by nemesiswontdie; 04-25-2012 at 11:43 PM.

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