So I wasn't sure where to put this thread, Here? In the movie forum? Artistic expression? IF it's in the wrong place let me know...

Also I realize videography and photography aren't the same thing, but recently that point where they come together has been growing.

I'm a professional videographer in the Monterey area, and having recently graduated, I finally put together a whole equipment load.

Here's what it looks like so far.

Sony NEX-FS100u: A-Cam. Super High Def, low noice, interchangeable lenses. I got a Novaflex adaptor for Nikon lenses and another adaptor for Canon lenses. The kits lens that came with the camera is a little less than awesome

Canon EOS 7D: B-Cam. The quintessential indie filmmaking DSLR. It's noisier than the FS100 and has a 12 minute shoot limit, so that's why I can't run it as a secondary option. It's killer for photography, though!

Canon HV30: C-Cam. This one's been in my arsenal for almost four years, but it's still a great little camcorder. I used it alongside my partner's 7D while shooting concerts like Explosions in the Sky and the Fleet Foxes for (FOLKYEAH!!!)

Nikon NIKKOR 50mm AIS 1.2: AIS series of lenses is beautiful and perfect, focus is smooth and aperture is fast as hell. At the moment this is my only lens other than the kits... but I'll have more by the end of the year.

Rode Shotgun Mic: Popular Shotgun, always works, nice for 7D and HV30 since those use 1/4 inch ports instead of XLR's like the NEXcam.

Premiere Pro CS 5.5: Best editing software IMO.

and then I run a variety of tripods, etc. I charge clients $50/hr. per camera + editing. It's a sweet deal.

Any other photographers, videographers, filmmakers out there?