Quote Originally Posted by sick among the pure View Post
See, I have never understood why we need open-carry for everything from pistols to rifles. Carry conceal makes sense. You have your firearm on you in case of emergency, you can pull it out and defend yourself/others from attack. But openly walking around with an AR-15 across your chest with your hand on the grip is literally just a visual version of "come at me, bro!".
I plan on getting my NY carry-conceal once I have a more steady income (mostly because that is the only way you can legally purchase or handle a pistol in NY state, you have to go through the very thorough FBI background check for carry-conceal).
And sure, I would love to have an AR-15, or an AK-47 (if I had the money), to target shoot. Not to walk to the local Chipotle.
If anyone here is for open-carry, can you please explain it to me?
Amen, @sick among the pure . And i was gonna mention you and talk about it in my last post, but it was getting too long.
Open carry is now legal in texas. I immediately had visions of walking into a bar where everybody had 2 guns on their hips, like the wild west.
Establishments can post a "no open carry allowed" sign on the door, thank god, and texas sign makers are overwhelmed with orders. So at least that.

Also, as far as the whole "democrat = anti-gun" thing, my wife and i were JUST talking about that before i read your post.
I'm a yellow dog dem, but we're reaching a point where "the blue pill" is kind of hard to swallow. Now i'm DAMN sure not going to turn republican by any means. But there are things that go along with being left wing that no longer agree with.

The solution to all of this is a topic for another thread, however.