There are plenty of threads on the sort of pillars of the genre. This thread is dedicated more to the bands that probably don't merit a full, 10-page discussion on a Nine Inch Nails message board but are worthy of at least some discussion. Triumphs, tragedies, and everything in between as well.

Today is a dark day in the history of American music, when 35 years ago today, the plane crash that took the lives of Lynyrd Skynyrd's lead singer Ronnie Van Zant, guitarist Steve Gaines and backup singer Cassie Gaines. It's not as game-changing as The Day The Music Died, or as culture-shocking as John Lennon's murder, but it remains one of Rock's most sad stories. Some of you have probably seen the episode of VH1's Behind The Music on the band, but for those who haven't and aren't familiar with this story, this Yahoo article lays it out.