View Full Version : VAST (Visual Audio Sensory Theater)

11-26-2011, 08:44 PM
New VAST record is currently in the works, and most recent news is that the debut LP has been given vinyl treatment:



12-01-2011, 01:23 AM
HELL YEAH! Can't wait to get the album on Vinyl!

Also, I suggest checking out Jon's side project Bang Band SiXXX



12-01-2011, 01:35 AM
I really liked April. I know a lot of people don't care for it, but I find myself putting it on repeat more often than other VAST albums.

02-15-2012, 01:27 AM
VAST - Debut release on 12" vinyl - ltd. ed. 3/500

http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/s720x720/418826_10150621114748713_540763712_8902596_3250754 81_n.jpg
http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/395676_10150621114983713_540763712_8902597_1515231 947_n.jpg
http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/s720x720/417358_10150621115133713_540763712_8902598_2818091 37_n.jpg
http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/405940_10150621115198713_540763712_8902599_1818013 601_n.jpg
http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/407082_10150621115298713_540763712_8902600_1943128 387_n.jpg

02-15-2012, 11:29 PM
That is fucking gorgeous...

02-16-2012, 01:33 AM
edit: no longer relevant.

02-16-2012, 02:22 AM
still holding on a bit of hope he can match VAST, Music for People (my personal fav) and Nude.. since then the whole project seems to have just treadwater. April was ok but I couldn't name a track off Me and You.. sad as they were a huge part of my music radar, I used to love the old VMB too.

06-12-2012, 01:48 PM
The song Here got me into Vast and after that I followed the chronological progression of the albums. Recently (two days ago?) I threw Music For People in my car stereo and have a new-found appreciation for it. I've liked it since I got it, but I'd find myself listening to VAST or Nude rather than MFP a lot of the time. I'm hearing things buried in the music that I hadn't heard before, which tells me I wasn't listening closely enough.

This is one of the few bands that me and my three best friends all like a good deal. I've seen them in concert twice and if they come around again, I'll Shirley be going then, too. The only reason I know about Vast is because of a friend's brother. A friend who I met on a forum, and whose brother I've never actually met. The internet is such a wonderful place.

10-15-2013, 05:25 PM
New VAST Music

Tuesday Oct 15, 2013 Week One

Hello and thank you for supporting VAST. Today marks the beginning of a new VAST project we are all excited about.

The rough tracks for "Where'd You Go", "Noise" and "Again and Again" are now available to download and comment on.

CLICK HERE (http://clicks.fanbridge.com/l.php?cid=1035522&sid=82530946&url=http%3A%2F%2Fpayloadz.com%2Fgo%2Fsip%3Fid%3D23 78172) to buy the first batch for $1.49 which also includes a link to vote and write to Jon Crosby.

Experience the making of New VAST Music from the start.

Share your comments about what you like and what you don't like.

You vote and we listen to what tracks you want VAST to finish.

Hear all the music. Some ideas will get explored and some won't. ONLY YOU WILL HEAR THEM ALL!!!

"When I make new music, every idea starts out as a rough first draft. After recording these rough drafts at home I usually play them for a select few people around me, and the process of separating the good, the bad, and the ugly begins. A few months ago when I began playing songs for people, I began to wonder what it would be like if the fans could hear everything I did. We thought about it and decided to start a weekly program to include an interactive experience with the fans. Every week I will release three to five new songs, until this experiment feels finished. Every week people can vote on which songs they like, or don't like, and they can write me directly with questions and feedback. I have taken a few years off from recording and I have a lot of songs to go through. I only spent a few hours on each song and I did everything 100% by myself. I even built the recording desk alone and the instructions said it was a two person job. :)

It's easy to spend so much time on a weaker track that the recording process actually gets in the way of writing new songs! I find that a good song tends to record itself. I think this will be fun because we are going to go through around thirty or more tracks. There might be those who prefer to wait until the music is totally finished and that's fine, but these downloads will include many songs that are not going to be released to the public at large. I am hoping that the feedback makes the music stronger than it would have been if I just recorded everything in a vacuum. You knows I needs the helps!"


The early Fundrazr people have been sent download links to the songs. Write to admin@747audioworks.com (http://clicks.fanbridge.com/l.php?cid=1035522&sid=82530946&url=mailto%3Aadmin%40747audioworks.com) if you have not received you link. We are running a second Fundrazr if you would like to contribute more than $1.49 to the making of new VAST music. Each download will include a weekly email to write feedback to Jon Crosby and a link to vote on which songs you like and don't like. Finally there's a don't like button in this universe! :)

BUY IT HERE (http://clicks.fanbridge.com/l.php?cid=1035522&sid=82530946&url=http%3A%2F%2Fpayloadz.com%2Fgo%2Fsip%3Fid%3D23 78172)
Thank you for your support,

The VAST Camp

10-17-2013, 03:28 AM
On the vote page I rated thusly for this lot:

Again And Again - "Like It" (choice of Like It, It's OK and Don't Like It)
Noise - "Like It"
Where'd You Go - "It's OK"

Ranked them best to worst:

1) Noise
2) Again And Again
3) Where'd You Go

10-17-2013, 09:38 AM

Hey everyone. I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who recently bought the last download. I also wanted to clear up a little confusion...

It may not be clear yet because it's only week one, but we are not going to ask anyone to buy another version of the same song they already bought.

We aren't asking people for money to make an album in the first place, and we aren't asking people for money for demos. We don't ask, we make art and put it on the open market. If you don't want to buy it thats your choice. When people complain about a $1.99 download, I think what they really are saying is that all music should just be free. As far as I'm concerned, it pretty much already is. I can't remember the last time I bought something for less than two dollars. My coffee is over two dollars in downtown Seattle, and that comes from slaves.

After taking four years off from recording, my manager begged me to start releasing music. He begged me to put it out there. I didn't want to because I knew it would be this way. It's the same old shit as before. People just whine and complain that we are charging money for music. I'm not really feeling this whole thing anymore, but I'm going to let my manager continue to release VAST music. He can deal with you guys. I'm over it.

10-17-2013, 01:38 PM
WTF happened? I donated but I actually didn't receive this for some reason but for the record I thought what he was doing was actually really cool.

EDIT: Just realized that was a facebook post. Wow. Jon Crosby is being a baby about something. Shocker.

10-23-2013, 12:38 AM
VAST Works In Progress 2 VAST-WIP-2
About this item: 1. The Fire of Love
2. I Want It Back
3. Kimi
4. Desperate
5. They Only Love You When You Die

10-23-2013, 10:25 AM
I absolutely LOVE the concept of what he's doing but haven't had a chance to listen to the tracks yet. I really hope he keeps this up.

frankie teardrop
10-23-2013, 10:30 AM
my wife is a huge fan. i've been with her to see them live and it was great! i still haven't given the records a fair shot (i am a casual fan at best, but always enjoy when she puts them on when we clean house, etc.).

i know this is certainly old news, but the use of those 4ad/les mysteres de voix bulgares chants in 'touched' is still, in my book, the most impressive and well excecuted sample.

10-25-2013, 10:39 PM
I absolutely LOVE the concept of what he's doing but haven't had a chance to listen to the tracks yet. I really hope he keeps this up.

You can hear them on the YouTube channel now:


11-12-2013, 04:13 PM
Hello and thank you for your support. Making Evening and Night AKA Works In Progress 3 and 4 are now available for download. The third download includes the songs "Diamonds to Coal", "Burning Desire", "The Thing They Took", and "Something About You Turns Me On". The fourth download includes "Call On Me", "Broken Girl", "Like God" and "Put Your Lips Around My Generation". Between these two downloads and the first two, there are now sixteen songs to vote on and choose from for the making of the new VAST album. You can purchase the songs here:
Works In Progress 3: http://www.payloadz.com/go?id=2409708 (http://clicks.fanbridge.com/l.php?cid=1042630&sid=82530946&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.payloadz.com%2Fgo%3Fid%3D240 9708)
Works In Progress 4: http://www.payloadz.com/go?id=2409709 (http://clicks.fanbridge.com/l.php?cid=1042630&sid=82530946&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.payloadz.com%2Fgo%3Fid%3D240 9709)

"Although I still have more song ideas, the time has come to finnish some music for wide release. I would like to finish two songs right now. One the fans have chosen as a favorite, and one that is my personal favorite. On all the previous VAST albums I recorded most of the music in home studios and went into commercial studios to record what couldn't be done at home. I recorded the vocals for "Touched" in a closet in Los Angeles, but the strings and drums on that song were recorded at a professional studio. I need about two to three days per song in a professional studio to finish songs. Studios run at about $800 a day, so I would like to raise at least $3,200 to finish two songs. I am also going to auction off some music gear next week to raise money."-JC

In this day and age, the audience is the record label. We hope that these sixteen songs have convinced you that VAST is worth supporting and getting behind. Everyone who donates to this new fundraiser (as well as people who participated in the spring fundraiser) will receive the finished versions of the songs. People who buy WIP one through four will also receive free downloads of the two new finished songs.

You can go here to contribute to the VAST studio session fund: https://fundrazr.com/campaigns/edjN2/ab/6142n0 (http://clicks.fanbridge.com/l.php?cid=1042630&sid=82530946&url=https%3A%2F%2Ffundrazr.com%2Fcampaigns%2FedjN2 %2Fab%2F6142n0)

Thank you for your support,


12-04-2013, 05:31 PM
Cover art for works in progress, although I can't find large versions of 3 and 4 so emailed them:



http://buyvastmusic.com/wip%20cover%20in%20progress%201%20%282%29240.jpg (http://buyvastmusic.com/worksinprogress1.htm)

Works in Progress 1

MP3 320KBS


Again and Again / Noise / Where'd You Go


http://buyvastmusic.com/wip%20cover%20in%20progress%202%20%282%29%20240.jp g (http://buyvastmusic.com/worksinprogress2.htm)

Works In Progress 2

MP3 320KBS


They Only Love You When You Die / Kimi / Fire Of Love / Desperate / I Want It Back


Works In Progress 3

MP3 320KBS


Diamonds To Coal / Burning Desire / The Thing They Took / Something About You Turns Me On


Works In Progress 4

MP3 320KBS


Call On Me / Broken Girl / Like God / Put Your Lips Around My Generation

12-04-2013, 08:53 PM
That was quick, here we go:


12-10-2013, 04:39 PM
jaimie -

Hello and thank you for your support,

The fifth and final "Works In Progress" is now ready for your listening pleasure.

The six songs are "Trail of Tears", "Whisper My Name In Your Heart", "There is No Tomorrow", "It's Time", "I Would Like It", and "No One Could Know".

This completes the project at twenty two songs to choose from for the next VAST album. Go here to download WIP5:

"I really hope that everyone can take the time to vote their mind on these songs. I am going to record the top ten that the listeners choose, and my favorite two of the twelve losers. If only politics were this simple."

-Jon Crosby

Buy It Here: http://www.payloadz.com/go/sip?id=2433206 (http://clicks.fanbridge.com/l.php?cid=1049487&sid=82530946&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.payloadz.com%2Fgo%2Fsip%3Fid %3D2433206)

Vote here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/VASTPoll (http://clicks.fanbridge.com/l.php?cid=1049487&sid=82530946&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.surveymonkey.com%2Fs%2FVASTP oll)

Happy Holidays and Best wishes,

The VAST Camp

Http://vast.me/worksinprogress.htm (http://clicks.fanbridge.com/l.php?cid=1049487&sid=82530946&url=http%3A%2F%2Fvast.me%2Fworksinprogress.htm)

12-11-2013, 03:09 PM
"There Is No Tomorrow" is a really gorgeous 6 minute instrumental.

03-18-2014, 05:49 PM
That was quick, here we go:


Large artwork for #5 if anyone wants/needs:


04-01-2014, 06:24 PM

VAST - Making Evening and Night


Hello everyone. Last summer I had the idea to take advantage of the interactive nature of the internet and include my audience in the making of the next VAST album. It was a gamble, an experiment, and in my mind mostly just a creative concept. I released my first music after several years in hiding as "Works In Progress" and the first download was made available ten days after my daughter was born. It was a special time for me and now I would like to create a special physical piece to commemorate it by. I'm taking pre-orders now for Works In Progress One Through Five on a double disc CD format. I'm not sure how many people will want this, but I'm creating it anyway because It's something I need to do for myself. I will sign and number each one for you.

US Pre Orders: BUY HERE (https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_xclick&business=9SK4TCLP6QLN2&lc=US&item_name=WIP%201%2d5%20CD%20US&amount=30%2e00&currency_code=USD&button_subtype=services&bn=PP%2dBuyNowBF%3abtn_buynowCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHost ed)

International Pre Orders: BUY HERE (https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_xclick&business=9SK4TCLP6QLN2&lc=US&item_name=WIP%201%2d5%20CD%20International&amount=40%2e00&currency_code=USD&button_subtype=services&bn=PP%2dBuyNowBF%3abtn_buynowCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHost ed)

Thank you for your support,

Jon Crosby

PS: We might create a special four disc version of this after the album is done. I would like to send that version out to the generous Fundraiser people. This is just a small run CD so If I send them all out for free it's not practical to manufacture it. I'l send a few to the people who donated over $100 though. The people who sent less will most likely get the VAST album and other things for free. We will do our best to make everyone happy.

04-10-2014, 03:42 AM
Hello Everyone. I think I have an idea...

I've written about six new songs since I did the Works In Progress project. I feel like making a new album with these new six songs and adding a few of the songs that didn't make the fan vote. What if I put some of the songs that didn't make the vote on this new album? I will still use the top 14 to 16 fan favorites from WIP on the new VAST album, but there are songs like "Diamonds To Coal" I like the fans didn't seem to get. I would rather put a song like this on my side thing than forget about it. In my mind the WIP is split between rock and electronic anyway, and I see this Jon Crosby album being more electronic. I like "Diamonds To Coal" but I can't imagine playing it on a VAST tour.


Works In Progress on double CD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Disk 1 has all the songs you voted on as your favorite and disk 2 has all the rest. );

Hello everyone. Last summer I had the idea to take advantage of the interactive nature of the Internet and include my audience in the making of the next VAST album. It was a gamble, an experiment, and in my mind mostly just a creative concept. I released my first music after several years in hiding as "Works In Progress" and the first download was made available ten days after my daughter was born. It was a special time for me and now I would like to create a special physical piece to commemorate it by. I'm taking pre-orders now for Works In Progress One Through Five on a double-disc CD format. I'm not sure how many people will want this, but I'm creating it anyway because It's something I need to do for myself. I will sign and number each one for you.

US Pre Orders: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_xclick&business=9SK4TCLP6QLN2&lc=US&item_name=WIP+1-5+CD+US&amount=30.00&currency_code=USD&button_subtype=services&bn=PP-BuyNowBF%3Abtn_buynowCC_LG.gif%3ANonHostedInternat ional Pre Orders: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_xclick&business=9SK4TCLP6QLN2&lc=US&item_name=WIP+1-5+CD+International&amount=40.00&currency_code=USD&button_subtype=services&bn=PP-BuyNowBF%3Abtn_buynowCC_LG.gif%3ANonHosted"

Thank you for your support,

Jon Crosby

05-02-2014, 06:19 PM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/t1.0-9/10313475_10152070269498059_5000178840835811871_n.j pg

Works In Progress on double CD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Disk 1 has all the songs you voted on as your favorite and disk 2 has all the rest. );

Hello everyone. Last summer I had the idea to take advantage of the interactive nature of the Internet and include my audience in the making of the next VAST album. It was a gamble, an experiment, and in my mind mostly just a creative concept. I released my first music after several years in hiding as "Works In Progress" and the first download was made available ten days after my daughter was born. It was a special time for me and now I would like to create a special physical piece to commemorate it by. I'm taking pre-orders now for Works In Progress One Through Five on a double-disc CD format. I'm not sure how many people will want this, but I'm creating it anyway because It's something I need to do for myself. I will sign and number each one for you.

US Pre Orders: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_xclick&business=9SK4TCLP6QLN2&lc=US&item_name=WIP+1-5+CD+US&amount=30.00&currency_code=USD&button_subtype=services&bn=PP-BuyNowBF%3Abtn_buynowCC_LG.gif%3ANonHosted

International Pre Orders: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_xclick&business=9SK4TCLP6QLN2&lc=US&item_name=WIP+1-5+CD+International&amount=40.00&currency_code=USD&button_subtype=services&bn=PP-BuyNowBF%3Abtn_buynowCC_LG.gif%3ANonHosted"

Thank you for your support.

08-29-2014, 02:05 AM


This is a limited edition album signed and numbered by Jon Crosby. It is a special physical piece to commemorate the experiment of giving fans a sneak peak into the making of the next VAST record, as well as having a role in which songs are recorded. Disc A features songs chosen by the fans and Disc B features other works in progress from October - December 2013.

Domestic US Orders:

International Orders:



Disc A:
1. Again and Again
2. No One Could Know
3. Where'd You Go?
4. It's Time
5. Like God
6. Call on Me
7. The Thing They Took
8. They Only Love You When You Die
9. There is No Tomorrow
10. The Trail of Tears
11. The Fire of Love

Disc B:
1. Something About You Turns Me On
2. Noise
3. Put Your Lips Around My Generation
4. Diamonds to Coal
5. Whisper My Name
6. Burning Desire
7. Desperate
8. I Would Like It
9. Broken Girl
10. Kimi
11. I Want it Back


05-13-2015, 04:32 PM
From Jon:

Hey everyone. Since the handwritten lyrics have been going so well, I’ve decided to add a new and interesting perk to my recording fundraiser. I've had this idea for about seven years, so here it goes:

I am offering custom acoustic recordings of any VAST song of your choice. This offer will be available for a limited time, depending on demand. I will shut it down after I reach around one hundred people due to the time it takes to record each one. For $100 I will record one song. If you donate $300 I will record five songs, and and if you donate $500 I will record an album of ten songs just for you.

So to be clear, you can claim just handwritten lyrics, just a song, or handwritten lyrics with a song as well. I am also offering the handwritten lyrics for free to anyone who has donated to a fundraiser in the past, or has waited a long time for their Making Evening and Night CD.

Please go here to partake of this unique project:

https://fundrazr.com/campaigns/4wyqa/ab/6142n0 (https://m.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Ffundrazr.com%2Fcampaigns%2F4 wyqa%2Fab%2F6142n0&h=fAQGCGY_2&enc=AZNTO8OTGePSMZ6vLapJKx5uPMw7n7hpjMaewka0zB1dWz duv7zK28QWab4y9K7vIV3Aj0ep0W-FSg5x1JqhZ0-eaKQ_8SikzB2awayY_bRa0N9VQ9eqsSIdt2K7J3XyUhMcjZe_R 46GC_chaccIP3tu&s=1)

05-14-2015, 09:44 AM
I love VAST...but it's time for Jon to hang it up. It's unfortunate.

05-14-2015, 10:01 PM
I love VAST...but it's time for Jon to hang it up. It's unfortunate.

Not really... the stuff from the Making Evening and Night sessions has been incredible! Just listen to Call On Me.

05-15-2015, 05:30 PM
Not really... the stuff from the Making Evening and Night sessions has been incredible! Just listen to Call On Me.

I could be wrong, as I have found it hard to follow him of late... but it seems like he makes more gimmick ways to make money instead of focusing on putting out new albums... which bugs me. I would love new music.

09-02-2015, 05:43 AM
Hello everyone, Jon started something new today. Every week he’s going to do a podcast, and play some music. This week he recorded “Song Without a Name” and “Pretty When You Cry” acoustic, but next week there will be new music. These songs are an example of what he as been doing lately with the custom songs. He talks a little bit about it in the cast... You can go here to get the cast, and the two songs: http://www.realvast.com/the-vast-cast.html Thank you, The VAST Camp

09-02-2015, 05:53 AM
I could be wrong, as I have found it hard to follow him of late... but it seems like he makes more gimmick ways to make money instead of focusing on putting out new albums... which bugs me. I would love new music.

I feel the same way. I guess I'm not being involved enough to feel any other way about his ventures, but seen from afar it really feels gimmicky.

09-02-2015, 07:04 AM
I feel the same way. I guess I'm not being involved enough to feel any other way about his ventures, but seen from afar it really feels gimmicky.

Dudes, it's far from gimmicky. Of the recent output, go listen to Call On Me, There Is No Tomorrow, Trail Of Tears, No One Could Know, Whisper My Name In Your Heart and Diamonds To Coal. It's all absolutely beautiful, and they're all rough demos at this stage.

The Thing They Took and Noise are also honourable mentions.

10-26-2015, 06:14 PM
The debut album all done acoustically:


12-30-2015, 04:33 AM
So this Stripped project is being released as five parts. So far Stripped/Black, Stripped/Red and Stripped/Blue are available.

Stripped/Black is the debut album done acoustically.

Stripped/Red is:

1. That’s My Boy
2. Be With Me
3. Thrown Away
4. I Need to Say Goodbye
5. I Know How to Love
6. One More Day
7. Dead Angels
8. Sunday I’ll Be Gone
9. Hotel Song
10. You’re the Same
11. I Woke Up L.A.
12. Don’t Take Your Love Away From Me
The second release of a five part series, Stripped/Red is a collection of songs spanning multiple VAST albums. This album includes more story telling from Jon about the songs and what they mean to him. Each album is signed by Jon Crosby and includes hand stamped artwork.

and Blue is:

1. No One Could Know
2. I Don’t Have Anything
3. I’m Afraid Of You
4. The Last One Alive
5. Lost
6. You’re Too Young
7. Dedicate (A Place For Me)
8. Is It Me?
9. I Can’t Say No To You
10. Free
11. Having Part of You
12. I Thought By Now
Part three of a five part series, this album explores has an inward feeling, in contrast to the more outward feeling of Stripped/Red.

...two more to go!

05-04-2016, 01:36 AM

This album ships between the 18th and 25th of May. Each CD cover is partially drawn by hand using an ink jet pen. Each CD is signed and numbered. Only 250 will be made of this version. Each album cover will be slightly different.

1. My TV and You

2. Loneliness is Fine

3. You Should Have Known I'd Leave

4. Falling From The Sky

5. What Else Do I Need

6. Slow

7. There Are No Words

8. It's Been So Long

9. Frog

10. Until I Die

11. She Must Have Loved Me

12. Ecstasy

Unlike the other albums in the Stripped series, this album includes bass guitar, electric guitar, djumbe, percussion and other vocal overdubs, to create a full sounding recording.

06-29-2016, 04:31 PM
VAST is performing live at the Whiskey a Go Go in Hollywood, California Sept 1st, 2016 (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/x-apple-data-detectors://0)

If you buy tickets through us you will get 20% off on all merchandise sold at the show, and you will be the first in line to buy merchandise after the show.

Go here to buy tickets: http://www.realvastshop.com/collections/frontpage/products/vast-live-at-the-whiskey-a-go-go-sept-1-2016

We are also providing special VIP passes, and a day with VAST before the show. These are separate from the tickets, and are limited to 30 people. All 30 people will come into the club during load in, and watch sound check. They will also have first dibs on march items, and get a picture/QandA session with the band. Camera and questions not provided. :(

Go here to buy a VIP Pass: http://www.realvastshop.com/

The set list will include 6 songs off the debut album, a mix of songs off other VAST albums, and new VAST music not yet released.

We hope to see you there, for a special night with VAST. It’s been too long.


bobbie solo
06-29-2016, 11:53 PM
That's pretty sweet. He's better than that HORRIBLE tour he's a part of select dates of. Buncha terrible 90's has-beens with little to no talent, unlike VAST.

09-03-2016, 05:28 AM
First live show tonight since 2009:


09-03-2016, 10:59 PM
Yeah his weight tends to go up and down. Glad he still has his voice.

10-03-2016, 07:39 PM
The fifth and final album in the Stripped series, Stripped Green, is now available to purchase. The first 250 copies will be signed and stamped by Jon Crosby. These will be the last signed and stamped CD's by Jon. It ships next week. Click on the Vast shop link below to order:


VAST is releasing a new maxi single in the next few weeks. There are three new song’s and multiple variations of the songs as remixes and alternate versions. There is also a new VAST video unrelated to the single coming this month as well. VAST has been on track recently and it’s great to have you on board.

10-03-2016, 07:40 PM
That's pretty sweet. He's better than that HORRIBLE tour he's a part of select dates of. Buncha terrible 90's has-beens with little to no talent, unlike VAST.

What tour he was part of select dates of? I thought this Whisky show was the only one he did recently?

bobbie solo
10-03-2016, 11:46 PM

but it might have been cancelled. Certain dates were at least.

10-04-2016, 02:39 AM

but it might have been cancelled. Certain dates were at least.

Hmm, only one 2016 show appearing on setlist.fm

10-05-2016, 04:19 PM
The complete Stripped set with the new addition of "Green" is available, or you can purchase Stripped Green separately. A new single, "Ghost Away" will be available soon, as well as a music video for "They Only Love You When You Die", to be released with a new VAST album this year. Yes, VAST is back. Click on the link below to visit the VAST Shop: https://www.realvastshop.com/

12-04-2016, 05:08 AM
Stripped/Violet - 6th entry in the series now:


I felt like something was missing from the Stripped series. All songs I wrote before the first VAST album ended up ignored. They are a little raw because I wrote them between 16 and 18 years old, but I feel they are an important part of my body of work. There are five songs on this album that were never released at all until now: It's shipping next week and any body who orders it in the next 48 hours will definitely get it in time for Christmas.

Electric womb
Channel zero
I’m a Dragon*
Skin Cage
if you are in heaven

12-04-2016, 05:52 AM

but it might have been cancelled. Certain dates were at least.
i wondered when this sort of thing would start, and had kind of looked forward to it. Hair bands have been doing it for awhile.
The right line up could be really cool, but you're right, this is awful.

12-04-2016, 11:06 AM
guess i forgot to post this here a month ago when we listened to it!


2xLP on black vinyl
limited edition first pressing number 111, signed by jon crosby
gave this to my wife as an anniversay gift back in september because we’re both dorks and we love the 90s so this is one of our favorite albums

12-05-2016, 04:37 AM
New album out soon - album name TBA. Here is the track listing. They Only Love You When You Die was released as a demo on Making Evening And Night in 2014. A video is being released for that song soon too:

1. Ghost Away

2. It’s All Nothing

3. After All These Sour Years

4. Keep My Burning

5. You’re Amazing

6. Little Darling

7. They Only Love You When You Die

8. The Woodwork

9. She Is Murder

10. Why?

02-07-2017, 07:03 PM

They Only Love You When You Die (EP):

All orders placed before February 28th with include a special limited edition signed CD.

1. They Only Love You When You Die
2. She Is Murder
3. They Only Love You When You Die (Hard edge version)
4. She Is Murder (Dub club Ryan Crosby mix)
5. She Must Have Loved Me (Electronic version)
6. They Only Love You When You Die (The JCBeat mix)

We do not currently offer separate shipping options per item. If you place other products in your cart with this item, you will have to wait until after February 28th to receive your other items.

07-03-2017, 12:59 AM

We just wanted to let you know that the new hard hitting electronic VAST E.P. "Here I Am" is shipping in a few weeks, but we are starting to take orders now. The first 300 CD's will be signed and numbered and this piece is exclusive to The VAST Shop.

1. Here I Am
2. There Is No Love
3. Fly To me
4. Here I am (Club mix)
5. There is no Love (Summer version)
6. Fly to me (Nasty mix)

VAST-Here I am
All songs written by Jon Crosby
All music by Jon Crosby and Ryan Crosby
Engineered, produced and mixed by Jon Crosby and Ryan Crosby